12/23/06: Tired but not ruined

Today was another packed day of visiting Roman ruins. First we saw Dougga, which had a really cool and well-preserved ampatheatre. This was after a 6 am wakeup call and three hours of driving, so I was pretty spent when we got there. After that we ate lunch at Hotel Thugga nearby. Our dable played a game called the “Clean Plate Club,” where you ate all your food to the point where your plate was absolutely spotless It was a fun game until our dessert came; it was an orange, so we all ate the orange peels in order to stay true to the game.
After that we drove to Sbeitla, checked out some more ruins, and then got to our hotel. We had an awesome buffet dinner and then played cards during the evening in the lobby. They actually had a bar there so I was able to drink a little for once.
Tomorrow we have another 6 am wakeup call. But we’re going to see some great scenery and cruise in 4WD vehicles through the desert. I would like a little time to relax soon because you can take only so much driving and visits to ruins.
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