12/21/06 Tunisia Day 1

Today was mainly just a lot of traveling. We left at 4 am sharp from San Marco Square to the Rome airport and then unfortunately were stuck there until sometime around 3 or 3 30 pm. I tried to nap bc I didn’t sleep the night before but probably only got about 2 hours total if that.
Yesterday was a great last day in Florence before the trip. I walked around town, got to talk with my family on the phone, and ate dinner with the Castelanni. Dona gave me a pair of gloves for xmas, the perfect gift because though I don’t want to admit it, the cold weather’s getting harder and harder to handle. To say up until 3:45 that night, matt, conor and I watched return of the jedi because much of it’s filmed in Tunisia.
We finally got to Tunis around 5:30 p.m. They took us on a quick bus tour of the city and then we checked into the hotel. It’s very fancy and our room’s big. We had a fancy buffet dinner; the spread was as fancy as the ones we put out at the Ridge. There were a bunch of meats- I don’t know what they were- but most of them turned out to be pretty good.
After that we walked around the hotel a little and then John and I headed back to the room. We watched some English TV for a while and both fell asleep. I can’t find my watch and there’s no clock in here so I have to idea what time it is, but I think it’s sometime between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m. My sleep schedule is pretty messed up. Tomorrow we tour Tunis and then spend one more night here. Then we’re off to the next place. Reading the itinerary I can tell that this trip’s going to be amazing. I can’t wait to get out into the desert. We’re seeing some pretty cool stuff out there.
Anyways I’m going to try to catch up on some sleep now. Tomorrow morning we get a buffet breakfast and I’m hoping there will be eggs, bacon, sausage, etc. Probably just wishful thinking but there’s nothing wrong w/ hoping. Buona notte.
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