Il Tramonto (Sunset)

The last full week of school was a good one. Finals week hit us pretty hard, but we managed to have some fun nonetheless. The ethics final on Wednesday was definitely my least favorite, but I slipped by and am so glad to be done with that class. The test for Italian was a long cummulative test, but I pulled pretty much an all-nighter the night before studying (at YAB). I didn't have too much trouble with it. The sociology one was also pretty easy, and I was surprised at how much stuff I remembered from that class. Now I just have to buckle down and finish a paper for Studies in Fiction and I'll be completely done for the semester.
I was planning on going to the Fiorentina game against AC Milan tonight but unfortunately I waited too long to buy tickets and now the only ones left cost 45 euro. So I'll be watching it tonight at some bar instead. I'm pretty disappointed, but there will be other games. Just not against AC Milan.
It's hard to believe that Tunisia is less than a week away. We depart for the Rome airport at 4 a.m. next Thursday. This trip will be epic. There's no other way to put it. The hotels are all 5 star and we are doing some amazing things. I'm spending Christmas in Tattooine. Enough said.
The sun is setting on the first semester of this program and I feel like I've come such a long way already. I'm very sad that so many people are leaving at semester. We're losing some great people. And I'm pretty sure that almost none of them want to leave. Gonzaga in Florence is traditionally a year-long program for a reason. So much still lies ahead for me here. Bring on the next semester. Non vedo l'ora.
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