school strikes back

not much new here...just school school school. lots of reading already, and it's hard to concentrate in this c/m environment. At Dooley and Burch, I could always buckle down and get things done when I needed to. But here, it's a little more difficult because people are always coming in and out of the room. Plus, since people go traveling on weekends, weeknights don't really matter out here. All my classes are fine so far with exception to sociology, which may be difficult because it's very disorganized so far. All I know is that I got three 30 page packets today; what I'm supposed to do with them, I'm not sure. I'm officially going to Cinque Terra on Friday and it looks like the weather's perking up again. I went on a quick run today, but the air quality on the streets is so bad that it hurts to breathe. I'm sure I'll eventually get used to it. Tonight we're off to the Triangle Bridge once more. Should be fun. I just got elected as Pensione rep for Savonarola, so I'll be representing our pensione at the meetings and kicking it with P Burke even more. Nice.
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