first weekend in firenze

Today I was all over the place. I really wanted to get a good feel for the city on my own and try to finally figure out the streets. So I took my camera and went on a jog across town and then around the Piazzale Michelangelo. I took some great pictures of the city from up there. I was gone much longer than I thought, and by the time I got back to Savanorola I was dying of thirst and hunger. I hit up the supermarket and pulled off a shopping routine that I'm pretty sure I will pull off many times this year: cheap bread, cheap salami, cheese, and the cheapest thing of pasta sauce I could find. Oh yeah, and a few boxes of half-buck chuck, or Mezzo Euro Carlo in Italian (seriously, the wine is 44 Eurocent and not too bad either). I made a pretty good sandwich for lunch and was hoping to do the same for dinner but got conned into going out with a large group of people to some restaurant. Luckily my meal was really cheap and also delicious. After that, I went with a small group of people to the Triangle Bridge to hang out. This is by far my favorite spot in Florence so far. On the Ponte S. Trinita, there are a a few large triangular pillars that hang out over the guardrail and are perfect for hanging out at. We brought our wine there and just stared at the Ponte Vecchio and talked about all sorts of things. The view was spectacular, and I wasn't even there at sunset. I think I'll be spending a lot of time there this year.
I got a little frustrated after that because I feel that people are starting to hate on Public House. It may not be the best bar, but it is a great place to gather and meet up with everyone from the program. People are really talking up The Joshua Tree, which is a cool bar but way too small and more expensive. I'm sure everything will work out in the long run though. Today Danny Christianson and I are going to try to catch the Fiorentina game at a pub. It should be a lot of fun, and since I don't have a TV this year, I actually already finished all my homework. That's a new record for earliest completion of homework on a weekend. Though I do miss sitting around Burch all day watching MTV reality shows.
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