Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The First Step...

I think I just completed the first day of my professional life. The Hawaiian vacation was great, but it’s over now and I definitely realized it as I was putting on my shirt and tie this morning for an entire day of Teach For America meetings. Though we spent the entire day inside, the information presented was great and most importantly, I found out that I will be interviewing with Wheeler Middle School tomorrow for a possible teaching position. It would be great if I could get hired soon so that I could start figuring out where to live. We’ll see how it goes.

Here’s where I’m at right now: induction started yesterday and will be continue until Saturday. Basically it’s a ton of information sessions and an opportunity to interview with schools to possibly get placed and hired. Also, it’s a chance for us new 2008 corps members to meet each other. From what I’ve seen it’s a great group of people and I can’t wait to get to know everyone better. After induction, it’s off to Houston for Institute, a five week teaching boot camp. From what I’ve heard, it is extremely challenging but at the same time won’t kill you. Hopefully I’ll make it through and be much more prepared to teach.


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