Great news today. I found my camera. I thought it had literally disappeared from atop my desk. After I returned from Sicily, it wasn't where I had left it, and I spent about two hours cleaning the room and going through things trying to find it. It was nowhere to be found. I've been puzzled about it for the past few days. But it turns out that for some reason Justin and Tom broke into my room while we were gone, took the camera, and took a bunch of pictures of their balls. I'm not too sure why, but all I care about is that I have my camera back for the last few days here.
Last night we played the Brazilians again for the last time and it was pretty much the same thing. We were actually dominating at first, up 5-2. In the second half I think we got tired again and they came back and beat us. I pulled my hamstring in the first few minutes of the game and wasn't too comfortable the rest of the time. But I had a blast and it was nice to get out and play one last time. Calcetto was one of the best additions to the program this semester.
One last dinner with the Castellani tonight.
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