Surf's Up

The three day weekend was much needed and absolutely incredible. Like drinking water after a marathon. Like a turkey dinner after going a week without food. Like Gold Bond after a 12 hour summer day of blue collar labor. I needed a nice break to regain my balance, and that's exactly what I got.
Thursday evening, rather than going out to kick off the long weekend, I stayed in to crank out a final paper for my University Hawaii online special education course. Believe it or not, it was supposed to be 35 pages. When I found out about it and how soon it was due, I just laughed. I was already in so over my head with everything else...laughing was all I could do.
But I buckled down and did it, and in a total of about five or six hours, I wrote a total of 27 pages. I'm pretty sure that shatters any record time I previously set for a paper in college. And I ended up getting an A on it. Definitely one of my finest accomplishments so far.
Friday I spent a little time finishing the paper, a little time on the beach, and a little time setting up a Hawaiian bank account. Now that I've done that, I'm pretty much all set- the car's registered, it has Hawaiian plates, and I now have my Hawaiian driver's license. It's all starting to finally fall into place.
Saturday was a big day. I went into Waikiki with some friends to try to surf. You can rent long boards down on the beach for $10/hour and take your shot at surfing (along with hundreds of other tourists). Like a lot of things in my life right now, I had no idea what I was doing, but I went out and gave it a shot anyways.
The crowds of people out there made it tough, mainly because maneuvering an eleven-foot board out of anyone's way is difficult. I figured I was either going to get a concussion or give someone one if I rolled with the pack, so I tried to paddle off to where there were few people but I still might be lucky enough to find a wave.
I just floated for awhile in the light blue water and took in the sun and the view of all the nice hotels and resorts that lined the Waikiki shore. Waikiki is kind of my guilty pleasure. Sure, it's extremely crowded and touristy, but that's why I like it. When I'm down there, I feel like I'm on vacation. It's a nice little escape.
Finally a decent wave came along. Catching the wave itself wasn't too tough because it was a lot like boogie boarding, and the long boards really cruised along the water. So I got going and the wave started to crest, and my board was really gliding with the wave. So I cautiously got up on my knees, then to my feet. I was up. I was surfing.
It probably looked pretty bad and unorthodox. I'm sure my form wasn't exactly perfect. But I I was surfing. That's when I had my revelation. This was just like teaching Special Ed. Sure, I don't have much experience or training with it, and that makes it very intimidating. But it doesn't hurt to show up every day and try, and then keep trying and trying until you find success. I've figured out that just like my surfing, even if I don't have the proper training and experience, I have no choice but to show up and do it anyways. And just like surfing, I'm looking to give it my best shot and surprise myself with some initial success. And before I know it, I'll be carving bigger and bigger waves.