Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hola Barcelona!

The trip to Barcelona with John and Conor was yet another great one. Rather than narrating this one, I’m going to try something different and just highlight the best parts of the trip, the things that stood out most to me.

The City. Incredible, definitely one of my favorite cities in the world. Young, modern, efficient, and absolutely beautiful.

Las Ramblas. The main street was perfect for just strolling through. There were nice shops and plenty of entertainers. The human statue people here were pretty good and I saw some really interesting ones. If you were lucky, you could catch the gymnasts performing. It was this crew of a few guys, led by a dude who looked exactly like A.C. Slater, who did some ridiculous things. This one time, they lined three people up and Slater ran and literally dove over them, flipping in midair and landing with a somersault. They didn’t show that sort of stuff on Saved by the Bell.

The Cathedral. This modern architect was incredible. We visited his Temple de la Sagrada Familia, one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. It’s a church that was started over 100 years ago and probably still has a long way to go until it’s finished. The facades left me speechless. The front one used cubic statues with an enormous crucifix that stared down at you as you walked into the church. The back one had many different statues narrating different thing, and it almost looked like it was dripping down. When this church is finished, it will be one of the most amazing sights in the world. In fact, it already is.

The park. Park Guell, another of Gauti’s works, was a great place to just hang out and look out over the city. He has various buildings, benches, and trails throughout the park that I don’t think any other human being could ever think up or design.

The hostel. Kabul hostel was great. It was right in the center of town, in this beautiful piazza that was filled with people and palm trees. We got free breakfast and dinner, plus some free entertainment…

The Flamenco Dancers. One of the perks of Kabul was that you could go and see a free Flamenco show at the club below the hostel. We went on Friday night and were so impressed that we came back again on Saturday. It was basically a mix of incredible Spanish music (with great singing and Spanish guitar) and a female dancer who moved and tapped to the rhythm. They were talented tap dancers who could also move it pretty well. Plus they were hot. The dance show became our starting point every night.

Futbol. Soccer is life in Barcelona, and I love it. FC Barcelona stuff is everywhere. I saw the stadium, which was huge. Barca played at home this weekend, but unfortunately it was Sunday night.

The clubs. There’s a whole peninsula dedicated to malls and nightclubs. The nightlife is surreal and they do stay out really late. We did a pub crawl on Saturday night, and it was a blast. Plus it fortified my stereotype that the Australian Dream is to come to Europe and coordinate pub crawls for young travelers. Every city we go, an Aussie comes up to us asking if we want to do a pub crawl. And don’t think we aren’t planning on doing one here in Florence soon.

The weather. It was beautiful. Sunny and warm. We even spent some time on the beach on Friday.

The culture. I really liked Spain’s culture, and of all the places I’ve been to, it’s my favorite second to Italy.

Thinking back, I’ve hit up some of the best cities in the world just in the past several weeks. Amsterdam, Istanbul, Venice, and Barcelona. Not a bad list. How’s my life?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. T,

I never knew you were such a stoner. I too love some hookah every once and awhile.

I hate to say this, but this article could possibly ruin your "career" as a teacher. But the plus is that your students might finally like going to LA class.

12:21 PM  

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