Second Wind
I didn't expect it, but after a week and a half without students, I was pretty nervous to get back into the swing of things. It's not like I wasn't prepared. I got my quarter grades submitted in record time and had the room all ready to go for the new quarter. Still, there was anxiety about being back in front of a class of students.
To make matters worse, I got the worst sleep last night. I shouldn't even call it sleep, because I'm not sure I actually got any. The first night we moved into this house, I tried to sleep on my new bed but couldn't stop itching. It turned out that all these tiny mites were crawling through the sheets and over my skin. It was miserable. I washed every sheet and pillow case, and the problem was solved. But the bugs have made about five comebacks since then, and that's led to about five terrible nights. Last night they timed their arrival perfectly, keeping me up the night before quarter 2 began. I washed everything once more, and if they never return again, I'll be beyond happy.
Tired and frustrated, I skipped my morning workout today in hopes that I'd be able to use that saved energy to get me through the day. The second I pulled into the parking lot and walked up to my classroom, all the anxiety, frustration, and sleeplessness evaporated. I was just really happy to see the kids again. At the end of the quarter, I felt like they were draining me of my energy, but now I feel like I am feeding off of theirs. I was happy to be back, and that was a really good feeling.
Anyways, without further ado, here are the highlights of this year's Fall Break.
Most relaxing experience: Getting to sleep in pretty much every morning was phenomenal. Even though "sleeping in" these days means waking up around 8:30, it still feels pretty good.
Funniest thing I saw: On our hike into the jungle up in the hills of Peacock Flats, watching Frahm depants Kyle as he tried to balance on a log.
Strangest thing I saw: While biking out at Ka'ena Point, I was coming back from the Makaha side, about 4 miles from the road. I rode by a man on a road bike, you know, the type with the thin tires they use in the Tour De France. I stopped and asked the guy, "How did you make it all the way out here?"
"Very carefully," he responded. I still don't know how he did it in one piece. I've gotten four flat tires out there on my mountain bike. Go figure.
Saddest thing I saw: Last fall break, Aly Gamache and I did some epic snorkeling and beaching on the West Side. This year, she severely dislocated her shoulder jumping into waves and was out of commission. Still, we were able to go to the beach on Friday and it was fun.
Coolest thing I did: On Saturday, I went huge, riding out to Ka'ena and around the bend to Yokohama Bay, then came back, cooled down, and went boogie boarding at Ali'i Beach in Haleiwa. When all was said and done, I could barely stand up.